After years of strange moves and new names, 13-year-old Sherica finally Googles her real name, a name she hasn't heard since she was little, and learns she wasn’t abandoned by her mom: Her dad abducted her, and they’ve been on the run ever since. Readers will be riveted by this disturbing, believable plot and by the emotional abuse “Daddy” doles out, manipulating Sherica and her brother instead of hitting them. Daddy constantly belittles Sherica and encourages her to gorge on unhealthy foods; he plays best bud with older brother Brian, pushing him to beef up, rendering both unrecognizable to the outside world and to themselves. Springer’s first-person narration faithfully delivers the voice of a fearful young victim reluctant to leave the life she knows or to betray her father, her only caregiver. Sherica speaks in awkward and clunky sentences, authentic language for a befuddled, insecure, overweight young woman. Like the classic The Face on the Milk Carton, this gripping short novel snags reluctant readers early on and keeps them emotionally invested until the final pages. (Thriller. 12-16)