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by Paige Keiser ; illustrated by Paige Keiser

Pub Date: Aug. 6th, 2019
ISBN: 978-0-06-264332-2
Publisher: Harper/HarperCollins

A lonely, crossword-loving pig finds an unexpected friend in a baby chick.

This heartfelt story shares the joy of easing the loneliness of another. Bently is the one and only pig on Sunset Farm. Although Daisy is not introduced until Page 7, readers will see Bently through her eyes. Noticing that the other farm animals do not care for his piggy ways, Bently rejoices when he hears a faint “Oink!” coming from the meadow (hand-lettered onto the white space of the page). But it is not a pig but little chick Daisy, pretending to be a pig: “They have way more fun.” Bently’s disappointment is transformed as he teaches his new acolyte porcine habits: to roll in mud, to prefer slop over worms, and to solve crossword puzzles. Keiser’s cheery watercolors are outlined with sketched pencil markings, and the double-page barnyard spreads are calming, keeping the story light and approachable. Yet with scant transition, Daisy grows out of her piggy ways. With intended compassion, she wins Bently a replacement friend in a crossword-puzzle contest. This emotional complication can prompt discussions around kindness and outgrowing a friendship. But the worrying issues of commodifying friendship and staying with one’s own kind are equally present. The pacing and text, unfortunately, leave open a wide range of interpretations.

While comforting to some, this well-intentioned story with engaging illustrations may prompt questions from others.

(Picture book. 4-8)