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ANGEL ISLE by Peter Dickinson Kirkus Star


by Peter Dickinson

Pub Date: Oct. 9th, 2007
ISBN: 978-0-385-74690-8
Publisher: Wendy Lamb/Random

Centuries have passed since the Printz Honor Award–winning The Ropemaker (2001): Mountain horsemen have attacked The Valley and two adults and a teenager set out, searching for a magician to renew life-saving enchantments on their home. Their quest leads them through the mountains to cities, villages and lands in the Empire south of The Valley. The complex and intricate plot illustrates just how artful a writer Dickinson is, as he builds tension through the difficulties the protagonists face—magical, political and personal. Characters, from the humans to the alien who lives halfway between two dimensions, have a depth formed by their actions and dialogue—even the animals have distinct personalities. This book stands on its own because the back story is carefully integrated into the narrative flow. However, it’s enthusiasts of the first installment who will most appreciate acquiring additional information about this world and will have a sense of threads being tied up in a thoroughly satisfactory resolution. Dickinson’s return to that world will delight and satisfy his fans and introduce others to an enchanting reading experience. (Fantasy. YA)