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ANDY'S PIRATE SHIP by Philippe Dupasquier


by Philippe Dupasquier & illustrated by Philippe Dupasquier

Pub Date: March 1st, 1994
ISBN: 0-8050-3154-5
Publisher: Henry Holt

Here's a Waldo spinoff with extra dimensions. Andy, who is building a pirate ship, searches his house for components, from a broom for the mast to his sister's toy parrot to sit on his shoulder. Each place he goes (attic, garage, kitchen, or bedroom, all are comically cluttered) is shown, on facing pages, before and after Andy raids it; finding what's missing among the welter of objects is a real challenge—even with hints (``He took five things altogether—two of them made a pair''). Give up? Work back from the picture of the completed ship (it's wonderfully creative and almost plausible), or from an illustrated key at the end. For the indefatigable, there's another list of still more things to find. An unusually well-crafted entry in a popular genre. (Picture book. 4-8)