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When T’s friend Walter comes over to play, things go badly. Their expectations are great, so when they hit T’s room they are running at full throttle. T is a little taken aback by Walter’s fury—he smashes T’s bed-fort, he demolishes a truck they are building out of Legos—but T is game enough to join in the ruckus. Walter wants all the best stuff—the yellow marbles at Chinese checkers, for instance: “T didn’t want to be red”—but T appreciates that Walter is his guest, so he consents. Only when Walter grabs the better of the art materials, especially the only googly eyeball, does T snap, chucking his crumpled, crummy beige paper, which hits Walter on the ear. They both run wailing to T’s mother. She suggests a remedy: “It may be difficult to find,” she says. “The cure for the Horrible Play Date, . . . It’s in here,” she tells the boys, looking around T’s room. So the boys start searching and what they find, unbeknownst to them, is a shared quest—in a word, cooperation. Vail’s (Sometimes I’m Bombaloo, p. 53, etc.) story will strike resonant chords among its readers, no doubt, and Björkman’s (Safari Park, 2002, etc.) illustrations, with their sprays of color and hectic lines, practically define the book’s big word: rambunctious. But cooperation is an even bigger idea; the chemistry needed for its flowering, once the external stimulus has been applied—from T’s mother in this case—is more formulaic than earned in these pages. (Easy reader. 5-8)

Pub Date: Aug. 1, 2002

ISBN: 0-439-40627-7

Page Count: 32

Publisher: Orchard/Scholastic

Review Posted Online: June 24, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 1, 2002

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From the Otis series

Continuing to find inspiration in the work of Virginia Lee Burton, Munro Leaf and other illustrators of the past, Long (The Little Engine That Could, 2005) offers an aw-shucks friendship tale that features a small but hardworking tractor (“putt puff puttedy chuff”) with a Little Toot–style face and a big-eared young descendant of Ferdinand the bull who gets stuck in deep, gooey mud. After the big new yellow tractor, crowds of overalls-clad locals and a red fire engine all fail to pull her out, the little tractor (who had been left behind the barn to rust after the arrival of the new tractor) comes putt-puff-puttedy-chuff-ing down the hill to entice his terrified bovine buddy successfully back to dry ground. Short on internal logic but long on creamy scenes of calf and tractor either gamboling energetically with a gaggle of McCloskey-like geese through neutral-toned fields or resting peacefully in the shade of a gnarled tree (apple, not cork), the episode will certainly draw nostalgic adults. Considering the author’s track record and influences, it may find a welcome from younger audiences too. (Picture book. 5-8)

Pub Date: Sept. 1, 2009

ISBN: 978-0-399-25248-8

Page Count: 40

Publisher: Philomel

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 15, 2009

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While the blend of folklore, fantasy and realism is certainly far-fetched, Imani, with her winning personality, is a child...

Imani endures the insults heaped upon her by the other village children, but she never gives up her dreams.

The Masai girl is tiny compared to the other children, but she is full of imagination and perseverance. Luckily, she has a mother who believes in her and tells her stories that will fuel that imagination. Mama tells her about the moon goddess, Olapa, who wins over the sun god. She tells Imani about Anansi, the trickster spider who vanquishes a larger snake. (Troublingly, the fact that Anansi is a West African figure, not of the Masai, goes unaddressed in both text and author’s note.) Inspired, the tiny girl tries to find new ways to achieve her dream: to touch the moon. One day, after crashing to the ground yet again when her leafy wings fail, she is ready to forget her hopes. That night, she witnesses the adumu, the special warriors’ jumping dance. Imani wakes the next morning, determined to jump to the moon. After jumping all day, she reaches the moon, meets Olapa and receives a special present from the goddess, a small moon rock. Now she becomes the storyteller when she relates her adventure to Mama. The watercolor-and-graphite illustrations have been enhanced digitally, and the night scenes of storytelling and fantasy with their glowing stars and moons have a more powerful impact than the daytime scenes, with their blander colors.

While the blend of folklore, fantasy and realism is certainly far-fetched, Imani, with her winning personality, is a child to be admired. (Picture book. 5-8)

Pub Date: Oct. 14, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-934133-57-6

Page Count: 32

Publisher: Mackinac Island Press

Review Posted Online: July 28, 2014

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 15, 2014

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