Join a merchild as she swims through lush underwater scenes in an attempted bedtime escape.
In the newest title in Fielding’s Ten Minutes to Bed series, a mer-grandpa begins the bedtime countdown only to find little Splash missing. Like many children, mer and human, she doesn’t feel like sleeping yet. In the ensuing rhyming adventure, Splash leaps with dolphins, bravely dives deep beneath a wave, and joins a school of rainbow fish while sea creatures continue the countdown. “ ‘Seven minutes!’ called the crabs, / as they clacked their claws and feet.” When her tail tires, Splash bobs around the bay to rest until a shark’s looming shadow sends her hurrying to a peaceful beach. With only three minutes before bedtime, will Splash make it home in time? Luckily, a passing whale offers a ride. Splash careers through the ocean and swims into bed just as her grandpa calls the last warning. Finally, the adventurous Splash is happy to be home, for she has learned that “mermaids need their sleep!” Rich jewel-toned illustrations with brilliant coral reefs subtly become bluer—and cooler—as the story progresses. However, the text on several pages blends into the dark background, making reading a challenge. Splash and her grandpa have light brown skin, but Splash’s hair is black and his is white. Other merchildren are shown with dark hair and a variety of skin tones. (This book was reviewed digitally with 9.45-by-22.84-inch double-page spreads viewed at 9.2% of actual size.)
With illustrations that are a feast for the eyes, this story embraces both adventure and bedtime for all the little merkids.
(map) (Picture book. 3-6)