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ROGUE WARRIOR II: RED CELL by Richard Marcinko


by Richard Marcinko with John Weisman

Pub Date: March 1st, 1994
ISBN: 0-671-79956-8
Publisher: Pocket

Rogue Warrior, a blood-and-guts account of Marcinko's stormy- petrel career as a Navy SEAL, earned its author a top spot on 1992's bestseller lists. He could land on the charts again with this fictive sequel whose profanely opinionated, relentlessly macho, and immensely entertaining narrator is a retired naval commander named Richard Marcinko. Now a freelance operative, Marcinko is testing security at Tokyo's Narita Airport, where he finds that treacherous Americans are supplying Japanese and North Korean buyers with nuclear detonators. The trail appears to lead back to Grant Griffith, a former Defense Secretary who retains considerable clout in Washington as well as with the ailing military-industrial complex. Before Marcinko can bring the influential elder statesman to book, however, he's dragged into a deadly series of turf battles, shootouts, sting operations, and shadow wars. By no coincidence, moreover, he's recalled to active duty by Admiral Pinckney Prescott III, a longtime nemesis who puts him in command of the Red Cell, a unit that's Prescott's own creation. With help from friends in the old-boy network of Special Forces personnel, Marcinko's merry men run wild—on assignment or off—covertly acquiring the high-tech tools of their violent trade, infiltrating laxly guarded bases in the US, and otherwise trying the patience of higher authority. Leaving scores of corpses in their wake, Red Cell stalwarts find time to carry out a reconnaissance/sabotage mission in North Korean waters and to launch a mid-ocean assault (from a stolen aircraft) on a contraband-carrying vessel crewed by black-hat mercenaries. Fast action and advanced weaponry at every turn; in-your-face commentary on the powers that be; a steady stream of imaginatively salty language: What more could any red-blooded, two-fisted, he-man fantasist want?