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BELLE'S JOURNEY by Rob Bierregaard


An Osprey Takes Flight

by Rob Bierregaard ; illustrated by Kate Garchinsky

Pub Date: May 15th, 2018
ISBN: 978-1-58089-792-1
Publisher: Charlesbridge

A young osprey named Belle completes her first 4,000-mile solo migration from Massachusetts to South America and back.

One spring, Dr. B., a scientist on Martha’s Vineyard who studies ospreys, selects Belle, a large, young female, to be equipped with a satellite transmitter dispatching messages tracking her movements every three days. By September, Belle has become an expert fish catcher and a strong flier, and she is poised for her migration south. Launching from Martha’s Vineyard, Belle flies nonstop for two days over the open Atlantic before resting on a cargo ship. Resuming her journey, Belle traverses a Bahamian island, Cuba, and the Caribbean Sea. A hurricane blows her into Colombia, and she eventually arrives in Brazil. A year and a half later, Belle returns to Martha’s Vineyard, taking an inland route to begin the next phase of her life. In this “mostly true story,” Bierregaard (the real Dr. B.) uses the real-life Belle, whose migration he tracked, to convey this lively, personalized look at migrating ospreys. Rendered in watercolor pencil, ink, and aqua crayon, the realistic, atmospheric illustrations rely on line and color to capture the drama of Belle’s amazing adventure.

An engaging, informative introduction to ospreys for budding birders.

(map, further information, resources) (Nonfiction. 10-13)