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by Ruth Doyle ; illustrated by Ashling Lindsay

Pub Date: Sept. 29th, 2020
ISBN: 978-0-8028-5558-9
Publisher: Eerdmans

Girls of various races are encouraged to “dream big,” show courage, and make change.

This companion to the (nearly) simultaneously publishing Songs for Our Sons (Oct. 6) is composed of mostly rhyming verses addressed to a child in the second person, celebrating her existence (“we’ve been waiting for you”) and encouraging her bold individuality (“Be brave and believe in / your own guiding star”). The text is prescriptive, telling the child what to do (“Climb trees, make potions, / run wild, and have fun”) and who to be (a “fearless defender,” “a time-traveler,” “a stargazer, a trailmaker”). With a focus on freedom, fun, and connection with nature, these commands read as wishes for the children listening to the story and for the children acting them out. The playful illustrations show tiny, diverse people—most with long hair, one wearing hijab—being courageous and strong, practicing joy, and caring for the Earth, the expansive trim size adding to the sense that there are no limits. The girls practice magic and sports, they read, dance, protest, plant, sing, and ride on the backs of birds. The rhythmic text is almost as fun to read as Seuss and with more interesting words: “lead your rainbow-nation / in a wild, sky-diving, multicolored / murmuration.” Readers who revel in sound, dream, and color will enjoy sharing this poetic experience.

A lovely dream to offer any child.

(Picture book. 4-9)