From the compiler of Under All Silences: Shades of Love (1987), 61 not-too-familiar poems centered on another theme of almost as much interest to young people: the cycles of a day, a year, or a life. Gordon's very personal selections come from several languages and cultures, including Native American, Japanese, Hebrew, and Italian. Within the circle from dawn to night's return, here's splendid variety in form and point of view; though the dominant tone is a dying fall, whether the endings are rueful, philosophical, or bittersweet, it's varied with lyrically recalled moments: ``...this wind/that has stopped to listen/to this night/this night/and these three stars/this wind'' (Leah Goldberg). The choice for the concluding poem, a bracing dose of common sense that serves as a summary, is inspired: ``...The earth can usually be relied upon to conspire and assist...And the moon will always be in character...the race continues'' (Norman Corwin). An excellent anthology, its many fine entries enriched by their intelligent, creative arrangement. Index. (Poetry. 12+)