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MOON DREAMS by Ruth Martin


by Ruth Martin & illustrated by Olivier Latyk

Pub Date: Aug. 1st, 2010
ISBN: 978-0-7636-5012-4
Publisher: Templar/Candlewick

Luna, who loves the moon, wonders where it goes by day. Thus, nightly she tries to stay awake, hoping to learn its secret. But the sounds of each evening lull her to sleep. In dreams, mirages of the moon appear, yet the mystery remains until the young enthusiast is catapulted into space. Latyk’s lush artwork, well-executed and incredibly tasteful, is a visual treat. Composed of graphic shapes in a retro-cool style, the digital illustrations flow with Martin’s words as the story progresses. Visions of Luna soaring above mountains, gliding across the sky, luminous in the depths of the sea are exhilarating yet peaceful, playful yet refined. Although the text feels labored at times, the use of onomatopoeia to describe the rhythmic sounds of waves washing, crickets chirping and rain pouring will ready restless readers for bed, and many will find comfort in the steadfast moon and its gentle light. Those who cavil that the moon is very often visible by day are missing the point. A lovely, slumberous story. (Picture book. 3-6)