Clementine’s only just “getting the hang of third grade”—she hasn’t been sent to Principal Rice’s office for a whole week—when her world turns upside-down: Her beloved Teacher is a finalist for an Adventures for Teachers award, and if he wins, he’ll be gone for the rest of the year. As it is, he’s absent for a week to prepare, and life with his substitute does not go well. Mrs. Nagel doesn’t know any of the tricks Teacher did that helped to keep Clementine “in sync” with the classroom, so when Principal Rice asks the children to write letters of nomination to the award committee, Clementine sees her opportunity to sabotage his success. Pennypacker and Frazee have this latter-day Ramona down to a T, her distinctive voice and unruly curls happily unblunted by familiarity. The great success of this outing, however, lies in the warmth of the relationship between Clementine and Teacher, whose humane and sympathetic understanding of his admittedly difficult scholar will strike a welcome chord with readers, especially those out-of-sync students and their teachers. (Fiction. 7-11)