An adventurous girl with a passion for dress-up discovers that she is actually a penguin. Her only problem is that now she has to convince her family.
Sometimes she’s a “pretty princess,” other times an “incredible pirate,” and still other a “terrible witch.” After her latest parcel arrives…now she’s a penguin. “Actually.” Whether she’s in the frozen-foods aisle of the grocery store, on public transportation, or playing soccer with friends, this enthusiastic protagonist consistently declares that she is “actually a penguin.” Much to the dismay of her patient mother, confusion of onlookers, and scorn of her older brother—even at her aunt’s wedding—this feisty penguin remains in character. But just when the protagonist’s family reaches their breaking point, our dedicated penguin decides she’s “actually… / an alligator.” This lighthearted book featuring a family of color packs a heavy dose of humor and is sure to be a storytime favorite. The bright mixed-media illustrations are full of motion and personality, and scenes of the child festooning the living room with toilet-paper snow and sliding down the stairs face first on her belly are sure to elicit chuckles from kids (and sucked teeth from adults).
A funny story that encourages readers to be unapologetic about who they actually are
. (Picture book. 3-6)