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HOW TO BE A ZOMBIE by Serena Valentino


The Essential Guide for Anyone with Brains

by Serena Valentino & illustrated by Scott Erwert

Pub Date: July 1st, 2010
ISBN: 978-0-7636-4934-0
Publisher: Candlewick

Heavy for its small size but light as a feather in content, this vade mecum for the newly necrotic fills garishly hued pages of coated stock with advice and superficial “information” about zombie varieties, makeup and fashion wear; zombie friends and predators; “zombielicious” party food, rock bands, reading matter, board and video games and more. Written in digestible blocks over generic but blood-spattered, heavily manipulated photomontages, the narrative goes down like freshly scooped entrails, thanks to its chatty tone and upbeat sentiments like, “With proper care any zombie can have a long, fulfilling reanimation,” and “Nothing can stand in your way when you’re comfortable in your own (rotting) skin.” Compared to vampires and werewolves, zombies don’t get their fair share of undead love outside of a handful of classic films; for partly decomposed—or still-breathing zombie wannabes—this is a shamble in the right direction. (index) (Faux-nonfiction. 10-13)