How do eyes work?
Photographer Rotner uses close-ups of animal eyes to frame her discussion of this important animal feature. Her guessing game begins on the front and back covers with 16 different images of animal eyes surrounding the title question. Identifications and a thumbnail photo of each animal are provided on the flaps. These draw her young audience into her explanation of what eyes are and what they do, written in a simple but fact-filled text and plentifully illustrated with photographs. The guessing game continues with some familiar creatures: a dog, a cat, an owl, a frog, an alligator, a goldfish, a lobster, and a dragonfly. These and more are used to exemplify different attributes: eyes that see more or fewer colors than humans’; eyes designed for night vision; eye placement; eyes that move or are fixed; varying numbers of eyes and eyelids; and eyes that have one or many lenses. She concludes with a description of how humans see, a glossary defining important words, and a diagram of a human eye. The repetition of the utility of particular adaptations—eyes on the side of a head, for example—will be helpful for learning, but the appeal here is really the amazing variety in form and function.
Engaging and informative for readers and listeners alike.
(index) (Informational picture book. 4-8)