A glowing chronicle of the life cycle of a firefly, from tiny egg to luminescent adult.
Bestor and Lambert’s latest collaboration for bug-curious readers starts with a firefly laying a clutch of eggs under some leaves in the summertime. A month later, small, six-legged larvae emerge. The quickly growing larvae spend their autumn nights hunting snails and slugs, preparing to hibernate underground and molt all winter. When springtime comes, the baby fireflies unearth themselves only to build and enter “a mud chamber” that allows them to transform into their final form: winged, long-bodied insects with a glimmering rear end. The simple main text appears in various sizes and colors, helping to emphasize various details for dramatic effect. Small-print informational tidbits, which use more sophisticated vocabulary, appear on the bottom of each full-bleed spread and will engage older children with additional context. Newer readers can easily skip these parts without losing the narrative thrust of the book. Thanks in large part to Lambert’s captivating, cut-paper–style images, this title truly offers something for everyone, particularly in the beautiful nightscapes full of fireflies that close out the book. (This book was reviewed digitally.)
Like a gleaming field of fireflies, it’s tough to take your eyes off this mesmerizing book.
(Informational picture book. 5-10)