A wee (4” X 4”) trim contains this partially successful introduction to farm animals and their young. Chickens, pigs, ducks, goats and more are all presented in the author’s trademark naïve line-and-color style against mostly white backgrounds with just enough scenery to provide context. This is, regrettably, not one of his stronger efforts. The ducklings’ outstretched wings look rather like spiny reptilian sails, and both owl and owlet look downright angry. Moreover, the author misses some opportunities with his vocabulary, using gender-specific language for the “hen” and the “cow” but eschewing it in the case of the sow, the nanny goat and the ewe. Possibly even more troubling for zoological sticklers is the usage of “bunny” for kit. Taback’s other spring 2010 books, Zoom (ISBN: 978-1-60905-007-8) and 4 5 6 (ISBN: 978-1-60905-006-1), are both superior. (Board book. 1-2)