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WINTER by Steven Schnur


An Alphabet Acrostic

by Steven Schnur & illustrated by Leslie Evans

Pub Date: Oct. 21st, 2002
ISBN: 0-618-02374-7
Publisher: Clarion Books

Schnur and Evans round out the year, producing another visually and verbally entrancing title following Autumn (1997), Spring (1999), and Summer (2001). Evans makes hand-colored linoleum blocks whose strong and supple graphic line sets off her rich colors. The images move from early winter through the holiday season to the drippy days late in the season, when you can leave your coat open and long for a bit of green. Schnur’s deceptively simple acrostics trace the alphabet and the season, as for example, Q: “Q uickly we leap from / U nder warm covers / I nto sweaters and boots, / L ate for school / T his cold, snowy morning.” The young girl in the picture is wrapped in a patchwork quilt as she glances at her alarm clock, her moon-and-star pajamas peeking out. While most of the pictures—and the poems—reflect a country air (duck ponds, rabbit burrows, horse-drawn sleighs), a greenhouse and a brick city street decked in holiday lights broaden the imagery. With this latest entry Schnur and Evans complete a most satisfying quartet that can be read with pleasure the whole year round. (Picture book/poetry. 3-8)