Science provides the foundation for this succinct nonfiction title, ideal for educational use.
The serious consequences of climate change in the coming years are supported by studies that put the last century of human impact into context. An introduction plus five chapters provide compelling evidence showing how the rapid acceleration of climate change due to human fossil fuel consumption has resulted in extreme weather events around the world. Each chapter focuses on a different type of extreme weather (floods, hurricanes, extreme temperatures, etc.), with numerous examples demonstrating the specific ways climate change has impacted and continues to affect humans, plants, animals, and the environment. The disproportionate suffering for those in the developing world is occasionally noted. Recent scientific data from reputable organizations supports the concise writing. Scientists, journalists, and other experts from around the world are quoted in the narrative text as well as in callout bubbles. Short paragraphs with related examples and relevant information are visually delineated and well placed within the main narrative. Stock color photos of weather events in action as well as the destruction they leave behind provide context and complement the layout.
An excellent, well-researched resource for homework or educational reading.
(picture credits, source notes, organizations and websites, further research, index) (Nonfiction. 12-18)