In February 1942, 11-year-old Ela was sent with her family to Terezin, the Nazis’ “model camp” in what was then Czechoslovakia. Despite horrific conditions, she somehow almost thrived, thanks to extraordinary caretaker-prisoners who taught music and art to kids. With other imprisoned children, Ela painted and sang and then starred as “Cat” in all 55 performances of Brundibar, the famous Czech children’s opera, presented to inmates and, twice, as propaganda ploys. Intimate friendships Ela forged with the other girls in “Room 28” (15 of whom survived) sustained her then and now. She remains close with her camp friends, speaks to students and is an honored guest at performances of Brundibar worldwide. Graced by wonderful photographs, Ela’s own art and other personal memorabilia and laced with Ela’s reminiscences, Rubin’s title satisfyingly captures an astonishing Holocaust episode. (Nonfiction. 10-14)