The Littlest Fish explores the ocean in search of new friends, only to come across several predatorily threatening creatures, including an octopus, a jellyfish, a crab and a sharp-toothed shark. Seeking a place to hide, the Littlest Fish finds himself suddenly in the shadow of an open-mouthed, miserable giant fish who complains of a tummy ache. A bit of investigating allows the Littlest Fish to find that Jonah, the prophet who said “No” to God, has been swallowed whole and is the cause of the discomfort. Promising to obey God’s command to lead the people of Nineveh to righteousness, Jonah is then freed from the confinement of the cavernous belly “with a thunderous Burp!” Rouss, known for her creativity in interpreting Judaic principles for a child’s perspective, employs rhyming couplets to capture the essence of this Old Testament chapter centering on repentance and forgiveness. Avalone’s slick, commercial-looking paintings in blues and purples depict a lively undersea community fans of myriad Disney adventures will find familiar. A serviceable addition to the Bible-story shelf. (Picture book. 3-5)