This collection of ten rhymes and songs manages to group some traditional favorites such as Trot Trot to Boston and Hush Little Baby with more modern folk songs like Woodie Guthrie’s Jig Along Home. Simple graphics rendered in a vibrant palette feature a family of five enjoying their day from morning coffee and horsey rides to bath time and bed. Cartoon-like, they feature big bright eyes—often opened really wide; little spots for mouths—unless formed in a huge smile; upturned noses shaped like an upside-down u; and pink polka-dotted spots for cheeks. Accompanying each rhyme are suggestions for hand or body movements that can enhance playtime with baby and music for most of the selections follows at the end. A unique grouping of rhymes and bold illustrations make this selection a standout. There will be no question about what to do with baby with this collection around. Lively, toe-tapping fun. (Picture book. 2-4)