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BEAK TO THE FUTURE by Tom Angleberger


From the Two-Headed Chicken series, volume 2

by Tom Angleberger ; illustrated by Tom Angleberger

Pub Date: Sept. 12th, 2023
ISBN: 9781536223224
Publisher: Walker US/Candlewick

Among the infinite universes of the multiverse, anything is possible...even time travel.

The title character of Angleberger’s Two-Headed Chicken (2022) is back (or should we say beak?) and as unhinged as ever. The universe has turned inside out, the beginning of the book is the end, one of the previously dimwitted chicken heads is now a genius and has invented a time-traveling device called the Timecap, and the Astrocap (which allowed the chickens to travel to different universes) has been lost in the infinite possibilities that form the chronoverse. The chicken must attempt to travel through the past without irreparably damaging either the multiverse or the chronoverse. It’s about as convoluted as it sounds, though the story lacks the substance to make sense of that intricacy. Admittedly, this sequel has more of a coherent plot than its predecessor, and its numerous references are slightly more sophisticated. Familiar characters make appearances, with nearly enough background provided to allow this volume to stand alone. The various antics and shenanigans are funny and well served by the dynamic art. Interactive pages create an extra level of engagement, although they occasionally feel like desperate efforts to drum up enthusiasm.

Amusing but little else.

(Graphic fiction. 8-12)