After successfully retrieving the first in a series of 12 Copernicus Legacy relics, the Kaplan family sets their sights on retrieving the second.
Thirteen-year-old Wade Kaplan dreams of uniting the relics to rebuild Copernicus’ astrolabe, a time-travel device. However, any treasure hunting must take a back seat to the Kaplan clan’s first priority: retrieving Wade’s stepmother, Sara, from her kidnappers. Neither of their goals will be easy. The evil Knights of the Teutonic Order will do everything they can to keep the Kaplans from finding either the lost relics or Sara. Wade, his father, his stepbrother, Darrell, his cousin Lily, and her best friend, Becca, must solve a series of riddles to reach both of their goals. Thankfully, whether it is deciphering code, researching obscure facts or tapping their seemingly endless stores of energy, the group members’ combined talents seem up to the task. This first in a string of novellas is intended to link each of the six full-length novels in the Copernicus Legacy series. Thankfully, reduced page count does not equal reduced quality. This fast-paced adventure features vivid settings, difficult brainteasers and likable characters. This series continues to deliver on its promise.
Mystery and adventure with heart.
(Mystery. 8-12)