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MY TEETH by Tricycle Press


by Tricycle Press & photographed by Richard Steckel & Michele Steckel

Pub Date: May 5th, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-58246-212-7
Publisher: Tricycle

From a toothless tot in South Africa to a tooth-brushing child in Ireland, bright, baby-pleasing photographs of children and their teeth fill this multicultural parade of faces. Readers are prompted to count up from no teeth to ten in mouths mostly—but not exclusively—smiling. Oddly, with the exception of Turkey, Asian babies are not represented at all, though there are some South American children and two from New Zealand. The generally small size of the babies’ teeth makes the counting more a thematic rack to hang the pictures on than a truly functional conceptual exercise, but given the appeal of other babies’ faces to the readership, it’s hard to imagine this one going far wrong. (6-12 mos.)