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THE SPY IN THE ATTIC by Ursel Scheffler


by Ursel Scheffler & illustrated by Christa Unzner

Pub Date: April 1st, 1997
ISBN: 1-55858-727-6
Publisher: NorthSouth

The Spy In The Attic (64 pp.; $13.95; PLB $13.88; Apr. 1, 1997; 1-55858-727-6; PLB 1-55858-728-4): When Mr. Leon, a new upstairs neighbor, receives some deliveries late at night that appear to be a coffin and a cannon, Martin is suspicious. He meets Mr. Leon and finds out that he wears a wig, sunglasses, and gloves, and becomes certain that their apartment building is harboring a spy. Then Mr. Leon asks Martin to walk his dog, providing the perfect opportunity for some spying of his own. Despite a too-neat ending—all mysterious behavior is explained away—the story is entertaining and well-written, a step above the usual easy reading fare. Unzner provides endearing color illustrations on every page of this amiable book. (Fiction. 7-9)