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THE TIME-AGO TALES OF JAHDU by Virginia Hamilton Kirkus Star


by Virginia Hamilton

Pub Date: Sept. 29th, 1969
ISBN: 002742460X
Publisher: Macmillan

"Woogily!" The tales of Jahdu hang in the air, waiting for Lee Edward to pick one out, for Mama Luka to cup it in her hands and swallow it: how Jahdu, first finding his magic power, prevents Sweetdream and Nightmare from putting spells on little children; how he outsmarts the giant Trouble and comes to think he's smarter than anyone; "How Young Owl and Almost Everbody Grew Tired of Jahdu;" and how he brings his power and the "pride in his face" to "a fine, good place called Harlem." Mama Luka has finished the fourth story and gone to sleep in her chair; thinking of the strong, black boy Jahdu has become, of the bigger, stronger boy he will grow into, Lee Edward muses: "I can have the pride and the power too." Time-ago to here and now — much in little, superlatively shadowed by Nonny Hogrogian.