The Five Kingdoms almost come in for a spot of trouble in this airy sequel to Robe of Skulls (2008), when a witch from beyond the More Enchanted Forest arrives with evil intentions and a bagful of forbidden Deep Magic. Having cast spells over both the ineffectual local witches and nearly all the local rats, Truda Hangnail looks for a while to have a lock on extorting octogenarian Queen Bluebell XVIII to declare her the royal successor. Hangnail doesn’t reckon on having to face levelheaded Gracie Gillypot and young Loobly, an escapee from the harsh Orphanage—both of whom are Truehearts whose very presence makes evil magic go awry and who have the help of an energetic pair of talking bats, a dimwitted but determined troll, a helpful prince or two and other allies. Fans of Jean Ferris’s Once Upon a Marigold (2002) and like light fare will be much amused by all the dashing about, the quick brushes with danger and the undercurrents of budding, clumsy romance. (Fantasy. 10-13)