The story of a black teen-ager caught in the fast-lane world of modeling, with the personal cost in stress that goes with the glamour and money as the main theme. Crystal, 16, is caught between two worlds; the world of home, school, family and church; and the professional world of photography studios, celebrities and publicity. The two have different values, made more complicated for Crystal by her mother's desire to have her succeed, even at the cost of risquÉ poses and overtures from movie producers, in the end, a fellow model's suicide causes Crystal to turn down a movie contract. Unfortunately, the author seems uncomfortable with female sexuality, having Crystal "pretend" for photos and having her feel embarrassment at men being attracted to her, remaining unmoved by local boys and rock stars alike; and his apparent unfamiliarity with modeling leads to some awkward writing. Still, there is enough storyline and atmosphere to make the book work for Myers fans and girls curious about modeling. And no one can complain about the moral.