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A knowledgeable and ultimately upbeat look at mitigating climate change.

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Mebane offers strategies and insights for dealing with the climate emergency in this nonfiction work.

In his nonfiction debut, a collection of pieces previously published in Wall Street International Magazine, the author presents readers with reflections on many aspects of the ongoing and worsening climate emergency that becomes more apparent and unavoidable with every passing year. At the heart of his book is a resistance to the fatalism that tends to characterize discussions of the subject. The fatalism is understandable; the world’s industrialized nations are a long way from reaching the goals for lowered carbon emissions set by environmental scientists years ago as the only way to avoid catastrophic climate change in the lifetimes of the current generation’s grandchildren (if not earlier). The problem seems too big to be solved; as Mebane puts it, “only an urgent system-wide transformation can avoid a climate disaster.” But the author has spent years in the environmental movement, including a stint spearheading Italy’s energy revolution in the 1980s, and he offers what he calls a “story of transformation—a story that proves that even in the face of daunting challenges, the power of human ingenuity and collaboration is essential.” In a series of beautifully illustrated (and well researched—the book’s reference section is extensive) chapters, Mebane looks at the practicalities of green investment in all its forms, from renewable energy sources to improved grids and electric vehicles to what he calls “forest therapy”—the power of green spaces to help with ailments like diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and asthma.

The tone of tough, informed optimism the author adopts is crucial to the convincing power of his argument: This work combines the research of a professional with the optimism of a true believer. Mebane never sugarcoats how dire the current climate situation is, particularly in the energy-hungry developing world. He acknowledges that we have “more unresolved problems than solutions” and notes that “the primary issue is how to help developing and evolving countries invest in mitigation and adaptation,” coming to the ethically inevitable conclusion that a large part of any such help will have to come from the developed countries that caused the climate crisis in the first place. Mebane is very skilled a deploying his many charts and graphs in ways that fit naturally into his text—readers never feel bludgeoned with facts or statistics, even though much of what the author is describing can get fairly technical. Readers skeptical of the industrialized world’s ability to reach “net zero” goals by target dates like 2050 will emerge from this book not only immeasurably better informed about every aspect of the challenge, but also invigorated to take it on. Mebane may have spent many years in Italy, but he himself is a Texan and the son of a petroleum geologist, and this background gives the fact-heavy sections of his book an air of authority and personal involvement. This tone is crucial for staving off the despair that readers might otherwise feel when the author hits them with plain talk about how bad things are: “Weather and climate-related disasters are growing exponentially,” he warns. “We may not know the hell we are creating.”

A knowledgeable and ultimately upbeat look at mitigating climate change.

Pub Date: May 11, 2024

ISBN: 9781940387093

Page Count: 199

Publisher: Self

Review Posted Online: July 15, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 1, 2024

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    Best Books Of 2020

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From the Pocket Change Collective series

A fierce, penetrating, and empowering call for change.

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Artist and activist Vaid-Menon demonstrates how the normativity of the gender binary represses creativity and inflicts physical and emotional violence.

The author, whose parents emigrated from India, writes about how enforcement of the gender binary begins before birth and affects people in all stages of life, with people of color being especially vulnerable due to Western conceptions of gender as binary. Gender assignments create a narrative for how a person should behave, what they are allowed to like or wear, and how they express themself. Punishment of nonconformity leads to an inseparable link between gender and shame. Vaid-Menon challenges familiar arguments against gender nonconformity, breaking them down into four categories—dismissal, inconvenience, biology, and the slippery slope (fear of the consequences of acceptance). Headers in bold font create an accessible navigation experience from one analysis to the next. The prose maintains a conversational tone that feels as intimate and vulnerable as talking with a best friend. At the same time, the author's turns of phrase in moments of deep insight ring with precision and poetry. In one reflection, they write, “the most lethal part of the human body is not the fist; it is the eye. What people see and how people see it has everything to do with power.” While this short essay speaks honestly of pain and injustice, it concludes with encouragement and an invitation into a future that celebrates transformation.

A fierce, penetrating, and empowering call for change. (writing prompt) (Nonfiction. 14-adult)

Pub Date: June 2, 2020

ISBN: 978-0-593-09465-5

Page Count: 64

Publisher: Penguin Workshop

Review Posted Online: March 14, 2020

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 1, 2020

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A top-notch political memoir and serious exercise in practical politics for every reader.

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In the first volume of his presidential memoir, Obama recounts the hard path to the White House.

In this long, often surprisingly candid narrative, Obama depicts a callow youth spent playing basketball and “getting loaded,” his early reading of difficult authors serving as a way to impress coed classmates. (“As a strategy for picking up girls, my pseudo-intellectualism proved mostly worthless,” he admits.) Yet seriousness did come to him in time and, with it, the conviction that America could live up to its stated aspirations. His early political role as an Illinois state senator, itself an unlikely victory, was not big enough to contain Obama’s early ambition, nor was his term as U.S. Senator. Only the presidency would do, a path he painstakingly carved out, vote by vote and speech by careful speech. As he writes, “By nature I’m a deliberate speaker, which, by the standards of presidential candidates, helped keep my gaffe quotient relatively low.” The author speaks freely about the many obstacles of the race—not just the question of race and racism itself, but also the rise, with “potent disruptor” Sarah Palin, of a know-nothingism that would manifest itself in an obdurate, ideologically driven Republican legislature. Not to mention the meddlings of Donald Trump, who turns up in this volume for his idiotic “birther” campaign while simultaneously fishing for a contract to build “a beautiful ballroom” on the White House lawn. A born moderate, Obama allows that he might not have been ideological enough in the face of Mitch McConnell, whose primary concern was then “clawing [his] way back to power.” Indeed, one of the most compelling aspects of the book, as smoothly written as his previous books, is Obama’s cleareyed scene-setting for how the political landscape would become so fractured—surely a topic he’ll expand on in the next volume.

A top-notch political memoir and serious exercise in practical politics for every reader.

Pub Date: Nov. 17, 2020

ISBN: 978-1-5247-6316-9

Page Count: 768

Publisher: Crown

Review Posted Online: Nov. 15, 2020

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Dec. 15, 2020

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