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FIRST GRADE JITTERS by Robert Quackenbush


by Robert Quackenbush & illustrated by Yan Nascimbene

Pub Date: July 1st, 2010
ISBN: 978-0-06-077632-9
Publisher: Harper/HarperCollins

“School doesn’t worry me,” confides this little boy. “Last year I had a lot of fun there...I was in Kindergarten then.” Assurances to the contrary notwithstanding, Aidan is plenty worried. A just-before-school-starts get-together with chums from last year, particularly Tammy’s account of bumping into their new teacher at the supermarket, helps the little guy get over those butterflies. Quackenbush recognizes a reality that is often glossed over—that even kids with a bit of school under their belts can worry about changes—and provides welcome support for them. Even readers who laugh outwardly at Aidan’s misconceptions will likely breathe tiny, private sighs of relief. Nascimbene places Tintin-esque characters against gorgeous, Japanese print–inspired backgrounds in a muted palette, the delicate lines and flat perspectives providing a soothing environment to calm jitters of all kinds. (Picture book. 5-7)