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WORLD OF WONDER by Yas Imamura


Tummy Time Book and Growth Chart

illustrated by Yas Imamura

Pub Date: Feb. 23rd, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-328-86621-9
Publisher: HMH Books

A magical eyeful for developing minds and growing bodies.

Tummy time is the practice of placing babies on their stomachs to develop strong muscles. Some pediatricians recommend tummy time as a strategy for building the strength to roll and sit while helping to prevent flat spots on the back of the head. Made from rigid tagboard, this pictorial scene folds out accordion-style and includes images of six mythical creatures on one side and a growth chart for measuring up to 5 feet tall (measurements begin at 19 inches at the bottom) on the other side. The unfolded chart can stand on its own on the floor in order to provide stimulating graphics for a young baby to ogle during play or tummy time. The mythical-creature theme repeats on both sides, with a unicorn, merfolk, a dragon, and a sleepy hippogriff recurring. The merfolk depicted have several different skin tones ranging from peach to deep brown and white or brown hair. Images are both colorful and whimsical and would integrate well into either a baby’s nursery or an older child’s space.

Simple and visually pleasing.

(Novelty. 0-2)