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DOWNPOUR by Yuko Ohnari


Splish! Splash! Ker-Splash!

by Yuko Ohnari ; illustrated by Koshiro Hata ; translated by Emily Balistrieri

Pub Date: March 4th, 2025
ISBN: 9781636551142
Publisher: Red Comet Press

An onomatopoeic account of the joys of a sudden summer rain.

The weather is “hot, hot,” and though the book’s East Asian–presenting protagonist is initially perturbed by the downpour, the little one soon comes to appreciate it. The child notices new odors—the smell of the sky and of the ground—and sounds as droplets splatter against a yellow umbrella: “The rain is singing!” The youngster abandons the umbrella, gleefully accepting the rain’s invitation (“Let’s play!”), leaping and splashing barefoot in puddles. Translated from Japanese, the text is filled with a grand variety of made-up sounds, which would be great fun to read aloud, with a little practice: “KER-BABABA. ZUBABABABA. PLIP-PLOONK. KER-PLUNK. PLOOPOOPOOPOOPOOP.” Depicting an idyllic suburban setting and making use of dramatic angles, Hata’s illustrations would show well to a group. His portrayal of rain reveals close attention to detail; in some scenes, long gray lines fall from the sky, while in others, we’re treated to fat, shimmering droplets. The child’s enjoyment is clear through words, action, and body language, even as the little one stands huddled against the escalating downpour. “Sopping wet feels good.” Eventually the weather clears up, but it’s clear that the rain is welcome anytime: The book ends on a whimsical note, with the child seated in a bathtub, holding the yellow umbrella up against a shower of cascading water.

A delightful, sensory-rich appreciation of a childhood pleasure.

(Picture book. 3-6)