Karl Ove Knausgaard, the Norwegian novelist known as the world’s leading scholar on Karl Ove Knausgaard, has written a work that won’t be released until 2114.
Knausgaard is the latest author to participate in the Future Library, an art project by Katie Paterson, the Guardian reports. Paterson oversaw the planting of 1,000 trees in Norway, which will be chopped down next century and used to print books by the contributing writers.
Knausgaard is the sixth author to contribute a manuscript to the project; other participating writers include Margaret Atwood, David Mitchell, Sjón, Elif Shafak, and Han Kang.
“It’s such a brilliant idea, I very much like the thought that you will have readers who are still not born—it’s like sending a little ship from our time to them,” Knausgaard said of the project. “I like that it will be opened in 100 years and I like the slowness of the forest growing, that everything is connected. It’s such a wonderful green artwork.”
Knausgaard is best known for his My Struggle series of novels, which chronicles the minutiae of his life in very, very specific detail. He’s also the author of the Seasons Quartet, four books about—wait for it—Karl Ove Knausgaard.
The author hasn’t revealed any details about his Future Library manuscript, which could be about anything, but is almost certainly about Karl Ove Knausgaard.
Michael Schaub is an Austin, Texas-based journalist and regular contributor to NPR.